quarta-feira, 30 de setembro de 2015

The monster

The monster
Monstrous she dragged like a crooked crow on a stormy night
morbid as a ghost her the bones showed
flutters as blade of grass in evening gale
If she was uglier would kill us of scare,
If she were more crooked, neither the gravity, gave way
No one knew if she was  going or she was come back
And would going the hideous monster, hissing and crawling
rejected until by ogres
and feared until by goblins
So hideous creature
They say that death even tried
put an end to such horror
but, looking at his black eyes
Even this abyss, death,
Never recovered ...
Never recovered ...

One day in the hills
Crawling as usual
Slipped through the rocks
And among the rocks she arrested herself
He heard their prayers
A fearless hunter
And moving by intense courage
Slipped between the rocks
He wrapped her in his strings
And the monster was saved by him.
The despised and resounding being
of peerless ugliness
She cracked a shy gesture
She lowered his forehead lackluster
Just familiarized to look at the floor
How throughout her life
And without even a word
she just was walking.

But he did not allow it to her
He took from his bag wine
And his purse, took bread
And sitting among the rocks

The hunter served to her

She trembled when her eating bread
She cried while drinking wine

and fell asleep, powerless
Without understanding, the cause

When she open their eyes
She had hands!
And golden hair like the sun
Her feet she never had seen
Her feet were very white
and their shapely legs
under a huge dress purple and carmine
And she who lived crawling all their lives
through the steep hills
for the first time

Welington José Ferreira

О том, что было от начала, что мы слышали, что видели своими очами, что рассматривали и что осязали руки наши, о Слове жизни, –
2.ибо жизнь явилась, и мы видели и свидетельствуем, и возвещаем вам сию вечную жизнь, которая была у Отца и явилась нам, –
3.о том, что мы видели и слышали, возвещаем вам, чтобы и вы имели общение с нами: а наше общение – с Отцем и Сыном Его, Иисусом Христом.
4.И сие пишем вам, чтобы радость ваша была совершенна.

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