The gray boy and the colorful girl
There was a gray boy
One day he ran among the trees colorless
Under a cloudy sky
He saw a beautiful girl
But she,
... Not spotted him.
And when he stared
The entire park around
And descending from on high
He was going through giant trees
He approached that girl
The first girl in the entire universe
That no longer exists.
And when
Among the beats of a heart
She noticed him
And she took aim at his eyes
... The colors returned to all things
The crystalline green waters
As the crystal clear sky
The green grass of the mountains,
alvíssimas, blue, red and yellow
And the his face red
The boy that was gray
... Of very intense way
... He blushed
Ioan 1:6 Romanian: CornilescuA venit un om trimes de Dumnezeu: numele lui era Ioan.
Jean 1:6 French: DarbyIl y eut un homme envoye de Dieu; son nom etait Jean.
Йоан 1:6 Ukrainian: NTБув чоловік посланий від Бога, ймя йому Йоан.
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