quarta-feira, 30 de setembro de 2015

The ministry (NAME OF MINISTRY) is based on some assumptions, that would be the basis of his ministerial vision

"I will feed my sheep and I will lie down, saith the Lord God.
The lost I seek, I will bring the lost, the broken
I'll call and the sick I strengthen .... "Ezekiel 34: 15-16

The ministry (NAME OF MINISTRY) is based on some assumptions, that would be the basis of his ministerial vision

Preach a broad Gospel Scriptural seeking a correct interpretation, based, contextualized, motivating communion, faith, knowledge of God, his works, his achievements, his essence, his glory, the resurrection of Christ, the hope of salvation the improvement of those who believe.
Preach a gospel to grant peace, joy, communion and not impose yokes or ties to walk and Christian development
The Ministry (NAME OF MINISTRY) believe in the gifts of the Holy Spirit and its use with spiritual responsibility
The Ministry (NAME OF MINISTRY) envisions a church that has the character of a family whose members (NAME OF MINISTRY) lives in harmony
The church does not impose customs, to influence attitudes through counseling, leaving families share their traditions, their experiences, their cuisine, their skills, their personal tastes and cultural characteristics.
The sight of contributions, tithes and offerings is based on the principle of commitment, generosity and seeding:

The Law of Sowing

     "Give, and to you it shall be given: good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over will give you: for with the same measure that medirdes also measure you again" (Luke 6:38).

The ministry encourages the pursuit and exercise of spiritual gifts;
The ministry encourages the use of natural talent, creativity, voluntary service to the house of the Lord
The ministry encourages the joy, the fellowship, the love and affection between the brothers gathered, among relatives, including brothers of other denominations;
The ministry encourages holiness, purity, sincerity, generation and maintenance of true affection with all as possible to establish such links.

The ministry does not impose rules for baptism,  who not the will of the person who wants and the next opportunity
The ministry celebrates the Supper, baptism, marriage, worship;
The ministry has no liturgy for worship, a stub, a preliminary order, a pre-set period of time.
The ministry longs to have room for the child, for the young, for adults, for the elderly.
The ministry is based on the principle of the pastorate, recognizing and seeking the other ministries, pastoral, evangelism, prophet, teacher.
The ministry believes in the resurrection of Christ in his ascension in his return, in his Lordship, in his authority and his eternal power.
The ministry preaches love of neighbor, hospitality, honesty, hope, grace, the pursuit of virtue, deliverance, healing, miraculous operation, encouraging a full life, physical, psychological and spiritual
The ministry believes the operation and angelic visitation, according to God's sovereignty
The ministry encourages the professional development, personal, literary, knowledges, character, spiritual, cultural insight and in all areas that humans can grow
The ministry encourages prayer, intercession, supplication, communion, prayer of faith, prayer according to the Word (pray according to the promises), to bless, the declaration of faith.
The ministry encourages personal search, an intimate communion of life through community features such as fasting, vigils, prayer in the mountains, silent prayer, worship, praise.
The ministry encourages prayer and spontaneous worship, through declarations, clapping, laughing, of spiritual songs, expressions in tongues through chanting (statements or expressions of spontaneous praise and accompanied by original or not melody).
The ministry encourages the true emotional expression without imitations of religious positions or simulations of any type or gender.
The ministry encourages reading, meditation, study, deepening the Scriptures, believing in his divine integral inspiration from both the Old and the New Testament
The ministry believes in the perfection of the Scriptures, not in its inerrancy, understanding that contained errors were thus deliberately allowed by the author to perfect our spiritual building.
The ministry believes that the Holy Spirit can use film clips, music, poetry and other works of the human race, through the principle stated in Ecclesiastes,

C 3.10,11 "I have seen the difficult task that God has given to man to be occupying. All he did is appropriate for your time. Also placed eternity in the human heart; yet it never comes to fully understand what God has done. "

to teach and build his Church. The ministry preaches this pedagogy of the kingdom known as Melchizedek Factor or Eternity principle in the human heart.
Therefore does not prevent the reading of fiction, fantasy, adventure, novels, short stories, cartoons, movies, and other works, caring only warn against inappropriate content, malignant or sensuous character.
The ministry encourages dating, to engagement, marriage, wedding maintenance, restoration of broken homes, reconciliation, new wedding celebration - as the last instance for reconstruction of married life, the passion, the cultivation of affection, marital joy, full marital and emotional fulfillment.
The ministry believes in the power of God for the destruction of evil powers, of every kind of curse, oppression, in the exercise of spiritual authority to expel demons, to release the oppressed and to see the manifestation of God's power in situations involving operation, direct or indirect manifestation of the power of darkness.
The ministry loves the scriptures, communion with the Spirit of God, the works of Jesus, believing that God is the one who will give to all who come unto Christ, peace, joy, life and light.
The ministry preaches the principle of sexuality as a divine and an inalienable gift, that sexual identity of the man and woman are standards defined from the beginning of humanity as law, intended, as a principle, as human expression after the heart of God, trusting that all behavior, attitude or feeling can be established by the Spirit of God to human fulfillment according to the principle established in Genesis and in Song of Songs:

Genesis 2:24 Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.

Ct 2

8. Oh, this is the voice of my beloved! Here it is that here comes, leaping upon the mountains, skipping over the hills.

10.Meu beloved said to me: Arise, my friend, come, my fair one.

12.Apareceram flowers in our land, came the time of the songs. In our lands already hear the voice of the turtle.

13.The fig tree starts to bear figs, and the vines in bloom gives off its scent; Arise, my love, my fair one, and come away.

14.Minha dove, hidden in rock crevices and in the shelters of craggy rocks, show me your face, let me hear your voice. Your voice is so sweet, and delicate thee!

15. Take us the foxes, those little foxes that spoil our vines, for our vines have tender grapes.

16. My beloved is to me and I to him; he feeds among the lilies.

And that human fulfillment is carried her to him, his for her, and that only in this way can be full marital fulfillment.

The ministry believes in the prophetic character of Scripture in their fulfillment in human history and after it.
The ministry believes the arrival of a new world, a new heaven and a new earth, and the destruction definitively of death
The ministry preaches the cross, but as part of the process and not purpose, preaching the resurrection, not as part of the process, but as purpose.
The ministry is confident that the Holy Spirit grant visions, revelations, spiritual operations, advising on mighty things, on new facts, about attitudes, about the need for changes in fulfillment of the prophecy given to Joel Chapter 2:

28 And it shall be, then pour out my spirit upon all flesh, and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions.
29 And also upon the servants and upon the handmaids in those days will I pour out my Spirit.

The ministry believes in the Lordship of Christ in the fair election, in justification by faith, predestination to life, but never such election to eternal damnation. There never was or was born human being without hope of salvation or predestined to hell, because predestination is based on divine justice and the character of God, that is the hope expressed in the person of Christ.

Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Romans 15:13

We believe in the sovereignty and immutability of the divine purpose in God's will that established the heavens and the earth. And the sovereignty of God is established through three immutable principles:


Now abideth faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love.
I Corinthians 13:13

We believe that God is, however, higher than its sovereignty and his will, and he is not defined by what you do, but for what it is.

And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM. And he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you. Exodus 3:14

We believe that the Scriptures reveal God's perfect toward humans.
And that her man sees himself, in all his ability and in all its imperfection.
The ministry encourages the public meeting, an assembly and also has a vision of worship in homes and study groups and communion in cells.
The ministry encourages the formation of leaders and their training in order to take the shortest possible time responsibilities in the care of other lives, in the formation of new ministries, congregations and even autonomous churches.
The ministry today invites young people to take this same ministry so there is still renovation.
The ministry aims to prepare and leave. If not occur as this initial purpose, prepare and stay.
The ministry believes the anointing, the power and authority of the Holy Spirit and that this gives to those who believe his anointing, his power and authority.
The ministry believes in spiritual anointing or specific skills.
The ministry believes the nominated event for baptism with the Holy Spirit, but it can be called Fullness of the Spirit or renewal, which is defined not only by speaking in tongues, but how:

 - Divine anointing poured abundantly at a given time that enables man to receive and continuously exercise the spiritual gifts -

And the man who received it from this moment receives one or more supernatural gifts, or spiritual, according to the choice of the Holy Spirit, being able to new heights in their spiritual walk.
The ministry believes that this spiritual dimension of the gifts is essential for the growth and improvement of the church
The ministry believes the final judgment and the possibility of human destruction that is the result of love for sin, human evil and rejection of divine love. For they loved or love darkness rather than light. And that and that is only the only thing in the universe that condemns a being human to a eternal perdition.
The ministry encourages the practice of sports, the celebration of life, romance, laughter and hubbub, not necessarily in the same order.
The ministry looks forward to preach the gospel with wisdom, depth and cooperate so that those who come unto him grow emotionally, physically and spiritually, in continuous mode. This is the dream today. In tomorrow we measure the results in relation to the dream dreamed.

От Иоанна 1:1 Russian koi8rВ начале было Слово, и Слово было у Бога, и Слово было Бог.
Jean 1:1 French: DarbyAu commencement etait la Parole; et la Parole etait aupres de Dieu; et la Parole etait Dieu.

What women wants

What women wants

Women want to be loved
As bees love honey.
they want to feel passionate about life,
They want to be so full of life
Even his eyes smile alone
They want the parents embracing her
and their presence for ever and ever,
They want to be treated as girls
Even when the aging change her on grandmothers
They want to have a hand that strokes your faces
on the pain, always.
One that take her hands
when they feel fear
And they will feel afraid
They want his children shine like the sun
To they will be exalted as the stars
And even though they had shabby how that thief
caught up with the chickens of the old man,
They love she them as if they were
They want husbands who care
And who care in caring
They want friends who love they
As only friends can love
Faithful friends who would want to share
Their pain and their errors,
They crave by a shoulder on the nights of solitude
By a shoulder and by caring
On the happiest nights
They crave jump bonfires
And scream out loud
that is worth living
And run like the wind
And run over puddles of water that shine
moonlit after rain
And they want to feel so beautiful
as when she loving
on the day when they conquered the man of her life
And they want
to have in the mouth the wine tasting
that celebrate the dawn to come
And they want to live without fear
Without fear of tomorrow
Believing that there is a Father
Who is the father of all
And who will take care of them
Loving them as if they were
Newborn daughters
Created in His divine lap
And they aim to touch the skies
And feel the angels
And dance with them
They crave the passionate kiss
Every day of your life
And she wants to have a voice that resonates like thunder
Although she said between whispers
And they aspires no have to fight every day
For things that should already be theirs
She crave rest amid the storm
And walk on water
And feel herself so alive
That the very joy
Say them that feel jealous


От Иоанна 1:3 Russian: Synodal Translation (1876)Все чрез Него начало быть, и без Него ничто не начало быть, что начало быть.
Jean 1:3 French: DarbyToutes choses furent faites par elle, et sans elle pas une seule chose ne fut faite de ce qui a ete fait.



No matter how weak you feel.
Whether your yesterday was the essence of the disaster and its yesterday was a lesson in how things could have gone wrong. Whether part of your heart seems an outdated cheese and his soul a place where spiders make their webs. If your desires continually squeeze you in the direction of the places where you would not there if you do not was dragged by the storm. Where your heart loses his ministerial hope, sentimental, professional.
No matter the world and what's in it.
No matter the world and what in it screams inside you.
No matter the pain and the inexplicable feelings that should not be here, or the sum of the fears or the sum of the pain or the indescribably despicable picture that certain voices whisper on your hearing.
Or yet if there is no perspective, yet if there is no exit.  Until if  the tomorrow ends soon, along with dreams and the hope.
What God promised his respect, will be fulfilled.
His promises in His Word will not be circumvented.
Because God the Father does not see what your heart sees. It does not measure the distance between your purposes for your life from the force of your faltering steps.
He did not trust one word given by angels,  by the judgments of thy heart that sometimes is dying.
He did not ties the donkey, the colt leading the Promised One,
with unbreakable chains.
And is not the darkened mirror of your soul, sometimes discouraged,
who will reflect the glory
of dreams that do not belong to you.
Learn heart, that he will fulfill
He will moves the immovable,
He will send a billion angels,
He will change history
and recreate the universe
if required
for give to you, what he himself
repeatedly announced
that he will make on you.


От Иоанна 1:4 Russian koi8rВ Нем была жизнь, и жизнь была свет человеков.
Jean 1:4 French: DarbyEn elle etait la vie, et la vie etait la lumiere des hommes.

Included in your eyes ...

They tell stories of ancestors
No, we have no proof of such stories
 But the first reports
Exceptional descriptions
Found in the remains of a ostraca
It reported in cuneiform
 It is not an simple event
A moment lost in time
On that moment,
Where the time itself,
it stopped.

I searching by years
I found a old theory of the great world war times
In the secret archives of the Third Reich
And once again, a poorly written copy
of that event possible
A moment lost in time
On that moment,
Where the time itself,
it stopped.

And I recently read another article
of disciple of the renowned cosmologist Carl Seagan
about certain advent
In a cosmic wormhole
some distortion in quantum physics
In that event
a moment lost in space-time
A moment lost in time
On that moment,
Where the time itself,
it stopped.

still researching about the subject
when I got instantly
In the rare event,
This, a moment lost in time
On that moment,
Where the time itself,
it stopped.
Because I stopped.
I did not know there
was so much energy
On a place so close
It  would be
in the right place
on the right time,
under a certain angle,
and let the beam
hit me.
The invisible beam
Of power unknown
and unquantifiable ...
Included in your eyes ...

От Иоанна 1:5 Russian: Synodal Translation (1876)И свет во тьме светит, и тьма не объяла его.
Jean 1:5 French: DarbyEt la lumiere luit dans les tenebres; et les tenebres ne l'ont pas comprise.

The gray boy and the colorful girl

The gray boy and the colorful girl

There was a gray boy
sometimes sitting at the edge of the gray lake
sometimes running through the gray lawns
sometimes rising and losing
among the canopy on the trees of  tallest  leaves
in black and white.
One day he ran among the trees colorless
Under a cloudy sky
He saw a beautiful girl
A colorful girl.
But she,
for other reasons,
... Not spotted him.
And when he stared
to her
The entire park around
And descending from on high
Of a mount that have not can been seen
He was going through giant trees
sometimes they were invisible
He approached that girl
The first girl in the entire universe
Universe that seemed
That no longer exists.
And when on a moment
Among the beats of a heart
She noticed him
And she took aim at his eyes
On a snap, at a time ..
... The colors returned to all things ...
The crystalline green waters
As the crystal clear sky
The green grass of the mountains,
the flowering trees at violet flowers, magenta, gold,
alvíssimas, blue, red and yellow
And the his face red
The boy that was gray
... Of very intense way
and perhaps forever
... He blushed ...

Ioan 1:6 Romanian: CornilescuA venit un om trimes de Dumnezeu: numele lui era Ioan.
Jean 1:6 French: DarbyIl y eut un homme envoye de Dieu; son nom etait Jean.
Йоан 1:6 Ukrainian: NTБув чоловік посланий від Бога, ймя йому Йоан.

Her hair loose

hair loose

He then took her and twirled
He laughed of her, she saw when he lifted her
And it turned ecstatically in the air
He lifted her, and she smiled
She then left
her hair loose,
For garnish him
He joked and when lowered her
She slipped and then stopped
Sighed, she blinked
She become dance
She then laughed
He danced, just to show herself
He laughed, ran and to kneel
She then returned dancing by him
He looked her
She laughed and then answered him

And looking at him in the eye
She let be seen
there would be no
that she let not fall
her hair,
For garnish him

Павел, волею Божиею Апостол Иисуса Христа, находящимся в Ефесе святым и верным во Христе Иисусе:
2.благодать вам и мир от Бога Отца нашего и Господа Иисуса Христа.
3.Благословен Бог и Отец Господа нашего Иисуса Христа, благословивший нас во Христе всяким духовным благословением в небесах,
4.так как Он избрал нас в Нем прежде создания мира, чтобымы были святы и непорочны пред Ним в любви,
5.предопределив усыновить нас Себе чрез Иисуса Христа, по благоволению воли Своей,
6.в похвалу славы благодати Своей, которою Он облагодатствовал нас в Возлюбленном,
7.в Котором мы имеем искупление Кровию Его, прощение грехов, по богатству благодати Его,
8.каковую Он в преизбытке даровал нам во всякой премудрости и разумении,
9.открыв нам тайну Своей воли по Своему благоволению,которое Он прежде положил в Нем,
10.в устроении полноты времен, дабы все небесное и земное соединить под главою Христом.
11.В Нем мы и сделались наследниками, быв предназначены к тому по определению Совершающего все по изволению воли Своей,

The monster

The monster
Monstrous she dragged like a crooked crow on a stormy night
morbid as a ghost her the bones showed
flutters as blade of grass in evening gale
If she was uglier would kill us of scare,
If she were more crooked, neither the gravity, gave way
No one knew if she was  going or she was come back
And would going the hideous monster, hissing and crawling
rejected until by ogres
and feared until by goblins
So hideous creature
They say that death even tried
put an end to such horror
but, looking at his black eyes
Even this abyss, death,
Never recovered ...
Never recovered ...

One day in the hills
Crawling as usual
Slipped through the rocks
And among the rocks she arrested herself
He heard their prayers
A fearless hunter
And moving by intense courage
Slipped between the rocks
He wrapped her in his strings
And the monster was saved by him.
The despised and resounding being
of peerless ugliness
She cracked a shy gesture
She lowered his forehead lackluster
Just familiarized to look at the floor
How throughout her life
And without even a word
she just was walking.

But he did not allow it to her
He took from his bag wine
And his purse, took bread
And sitting among the rocks

The hunter served to her

She trembled when her eating bread
She cried while drinking wine

and fell asleep, powerless
Without understanding, the cause

When she open their eyes
She had hands!
And golden hair like the sun
Her feet she never had seen
Her feet were very white
and their shapely legs
under a huge dress purple and carmine
And she who lived crawling all their lives
through the steep hills
for the first time

Welington José Ferreira

О том, что было от начала, что мы слышали, что видели своими очами, что рассматривали и что осязали руки наши, о Слове жизни, –
2.ибо жизнь явилась, и мы видели и свидетельствуем, и возвещаем вам сию вечную жизнь, которая была у Отца и явилась нам, –
3.о том, что мы видели и слышали, возвещаем вам, чтобы и вы имели общение с нами: а наше общение – с Отцем и Сыном Его, Иисусом Христом.
4.И сие пишем вам, чтобы радость ваша была совершенна.

quinta-feira, 24 de setembro de 2015

Beautiful song - Tu me levantas para alcançar montanhas

Uma belíssima canção baseada
em antiga melodia
tradicional  da Escócia.

Yuja Wang

Yuja Wang

1.Да лобзает он меня лобзанием уст своих! Ибо ласки твои лучше вина.
2.От благовония мастей твоих имя твое – как разлитое миро; поэтому девицы любят тебя.
3.Влеки меня, мы побежим за тобою; – царь ввел меня в чертоги свои, – будем восхищаться и радоваться тобою, превозносить ласки твои больше, нежели вино; достойно любят тебя!
4.Дщери Иерусалимские! черна я, но красива, как шатры Кидарские, как завесы Соломоновы.
5.Не смотрите на меня, что я смугла, ибо солнце опалило меня: сыновья матери моей разгневались на меня, поставили меня стеречь виноградники, – моего собственного виноградника я не стерегла.