In tribute to the women who need a brother and a friend had the misfortune to meet with wild beasts. In honor of the girls who lost their lives in the hands of those who should love them and protect them. In honor of mothers and daughters of all the earth, which God will hold man responsible for their safekeeping.
In special tribute to:

Giuliana Vallone,

Aarushi Talwar

Victoria Soto

Kelly Fleming

Cassie Bernall

Mariane Wallau Vielmo

Anastasia Nikolaevna Velikaya Knyaginya

Savita Halappanavar

Jyoti Singh Pandey

Lauren Townsend

She ran by infamous uncertain as the north wind.
Your silver cane fell from her hands as she descended of the immensity.
Seeing the flames that burned your village and having their bleary eyes by black smoke.
She landed solemn, among all its heights, leaving behind a groundswell of sand.
She ran eagerly turning the glowing ground into glass beneath your feet.
All the things that she knew was among the ashes.
Everything .. was burning ...
All things that emit music before this moment , now only is crackle.
Amid the blaze, she entered.
Amid the flames, with which she did not care,
Everything she touched, turned in burning coal
In your birthplace
All your memories now made ashes
She did not know which fate of the family that created or which fate of their parents.
Still buzzing from the world by stellar explosions
When other burst of blue ray,
another damn blue ray.
other blue ray swept with her wind, almost storm
what remained of it was his.
No floor
only there was a deep as the abyss Valley
who now stood
beneath their feet.
She ruminated your cravings,
of intense anger,
She still glowed,
Inside the blue ray.
When she looked up,
there was a clouded sky,
And beyond the thick clouds,
she looked at the sky
His eyes firmed around the universe
And beyond the infinite,
Only then, the ships she sighted ...
Were as many as one might imagine
Giants that gave off rays in the dark.
Then the eyes of those who ordered the destruction
Faced with larger screens as the imagination
Target at tiny point, that point that was immovably
point that have no floor, no floor or wrongly
that not allowed himself to fall into the abyss.
She was quietly
She gnashed their teeth
Then her face like a statue, lost all color
Stretched his fingers adorned with three rare gems
And the cane that had fallen earlier in this poetry,
to her hands it returned.
turned it around her, and
breathing menacingly
Shouted so hard that even the air around she, exploded.
The warriors in their ships with terrifying costumes,
They felt fear
The fear that your warlike civilization
believed no longer existed
She climbed to the sky in spiral movement,
ripping thick clouds,
until there was nothing.
Wrapped in mixtures of blue, red and turquoise.
front of the squad, innumerable ships
She stood still.
As if looking for anything, she watched them.
As if the ships did not exist, she despised the
Looking as if they were dead.
The flagship closed with force your fields
That protected by ships were positioned around
Power turbines bound in an instant
Half of the galaxy was then lit.
Giant rays invaded outer space
Invaded by forces that nobody never be
had imagined before.
She then saw, ships ganging
And the captains stared at their screens
The more focused the more your face is presented,
Full of contrasts,
Visible face like a flower
She fixed her eyes multicolored eyes front of viewers
And without giving any warning, without waving, without prompting,
dove into the invincible fleet,
The lieutenants laughed, all of them!
And mocked her the cosmic rowers!
They bet each other gunsmiths,
Asking them how much she could approach the energy shields of stars without her coming to burn.
In a thousand years no ship had been hit,
no ship of that fearsome squad.
The smallest of all your ships,
does not deviate or would turn from stars
Star near him it would become dwarfs stars
or even a black hole
When she came there left behind broken shells,
When she got there broke upon their turbines
As she passed by they broke up their barriers
When finished go through them, their flagship was a dead carcass.
The glorious spaceship that among a thousand ships was regarded as the most powerful
A shout of terror passed from mouth to mouth the people saying never know fear.
When the fight ended, All that was left of is the craft pieces
When she landed, descending from the heavenly heights,
She not injured
She screamed into the abyss and he obediently closed himself.
Landed on a hill ... then knelt on the grave of his parents.
Raised his silver cane and then cried.
Nailed it between the stones and he lit
While there is the live it still shine
Even amid the rain of small grains
grains of spacecraft
Who will fall for many years
on his wounded planet
Ela correu infame, incerta como o vento norte.
O seu bastão caiu de suas mãos, enquanto ela
da imensidão desceu.
Ao ver as chamas que queimavam sua vila,
ao ter os olhos turvos por negra fumaça.
Ela pousou solene, dentre as suas alturas todas,
Deixando atrás de si, um vagalhão de areia.
Ela correu ansiosa, transformando em vidro
incandescendo, a terra após os seus pés.
Tudo que conhecera, jazia entre as cinzas.
Tudo que acostumara
contemplar ao amanhecer, luzia...
Tudo o que emitia musica,
agora crepitava.
Em meio ao fogaréu, que adentrou.
Em meio as chamas com as quais não se importou,
Tudo que ela tocava, virara brasa viva
Na casa onde um dia, ela havia nascido
Todas as suas lembranças, agora feitas cinza
E não sabia,
Da família que a criara
Qual destino de seus pais.
Ainda zunia o mundo, por entre explosões estelares
Quando rebentou,
outro raio azul
outro maldito raio azul.
Varrendo com seu vento, quase tempestade,
aquilo que sobrara do que era seu.
Já não havia piso, não havia chão,
um vale tão profundo como o abismo
agora se erguia
ainda que tombado,
abaixo de seus pés.
Ela que amargava ansias,
de uma ira intensa,
Ainda incandescia,
daquele raio azul.
Quando olhou para cima,
havia um céu turvado,
E além das nuvens espessas,
ela olhou ao léu.
Seus olhos se firmaram ao redor do mundo
E no infinito além,
Só então,
As naves avistou...
Eram tantas quantas se podia imaginar
Gigantes que soltavam raios na escuridão.
Olhos dos que ordenaram tal destruição
Diante de telas maiores que a imaginação
Miravam no ponto minúsculo, que era inamovível
E que sem piso, chão ou mesmo razão
não se permitira cair.
Ela que já nada dizia,
Só rangia os dentes
Ai, seu rosto como de estátua
perdeu a cor
Esticou seus dedos adornados com três jóias raras
E o bastão que era dela,
Caído no início da poesia,
para sua mão,
Girou-o perto a si, e sorvendo ameaça.
Gritou com tanta força,
que até o ar explodiu.
Guerreiros de suas naves,
em trajes aterrorizantes,
pressentiram o medo
Que belicosa civilização,
cria não mais existir.
Ela subiu em espiral,
rasgando as espessas nuvens,
até não haver nada
Envolta em mesclas de azul, vermelho e turqueza.
diante da esquadra,
que era inumerável
Ela então parou.
Como se olhasse o nada, Ela as fitou.
Como se não existissem, Ela as desprezou
Como se estivessem mortos.

A nau capitanea se vedou com escudos
As naves protetoras se posicionaram todas
Turbinas de energia se ligaram num instante
Metade da galáxia então se iluminou.
Raios gigantescos invadiram o espaço
Forças que jamais nenhum ser imaginou.
Ela então viu, as tais naves se agrupando
E os capitães a fixaram em seus visores
Quanto mais focavam, mais seus rosto se fazia,
Pleno de contrates,
Tão visivel como a flor
Ela fixou os seus olhos multicores,
Nos olhos atrás do visores
E sem dar aviso,
Sem aceno,
Sem alerta,
sobre a esquadra invencível,
Riram os tenentes todos
e zombaram os remadores cósmicos
Apostaram entre si armeiros,
Perguntando o quanto,
poderia dos escudos de energia de estrelas,
Aproximar-se sem que viesse a queimar.
Em mil anos nunca fora atingida,
Nave alguma da temível esquadra.
A menor de todas, sequer se desviara
De estrelas que perto dela se tornaram
Estrelas anãs ou até mesmo buraco negros
Quando ela entrou, deixou para trás escudos,
Quando ela chegou, quebraram-se as turbinas
Quando ela passou, romperam-se as barreiras
Quando terminou a nave capitanea
Era uma sobra de uma carcaça
Aquela que entre mil
Era a mais poderosa
O grito de terror passou de boca em boca
Do povo que dizia
Nunca conhecer o medo.
Quando acabou.
Tudo o que sobrou
Eram pedaços
Quando ela pousou,
Descendo das alturas celestes,
Nem sequer se chamuscara
Ela gritou para o abismo
E ele obediente,
se fechou.
Pousou sobre sua colina
Então se ajoelhou
Sobre o túmulo de seus pais.
Levantou o seu bastão e então chorou.
Cravou entre as pedras
E ele se iluminou
Enquanto houver vida
Ele ainda brilhará

Mesmo em meio a Chuva
De pequenos grãos
Feitos de astronaves
Que por muitos anos
Sobre seu ferido planeta

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